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RE: [drupal-23] Honeypot

From: Aaron Olie O.
Sent on: Thursday, April 25, 2013, 9:56 AM

I apologize for not making it to the meetup. I was doing some more work on a drupal site and we started getting the spam accounts pooring into our site, so I downloaded this module. This module rocks! And I did get this dreaded error you speak of, but I set the timer from 5 seconds to 0 seconds, and I had all forms protected and that seemed to do the trick.


I think what is happening (and I haven’t looked at the modules code) but as soon as you focus on any of the inputs, I think that counts into the seconds allotted to enter in information, and that’s what triggers it.


Regardless, this is the plugin I was looking for! Thanks for mentioning it!


Happy Drupaling..


Aaron Olin


From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]] On Behalf Of Peter Stees
Sent: Sunday, April 21,[masked]:29 PM
To: [address removed]
Subject: [drupal-23] Honeypot




This last week I talked about using honeypot to keep the bots from creating accounts and emailing the default site contact form.


Some users on the site were encountering the following error message.


"There was a problem with your form submission. Please wait 8113 seconds and try again."


I found reference on that you could experience this message if all forms were protected.  I turned off the protection of all forms and only flagged the create account and the site wide contact form.  Currently all the other forms (ie pages, events etc.) can only be updated if you are using an authorized user account.


This might be something you need to do if using honeypot.


Peter Stees


Pathfinder District Web Master

Troop 297 Web Master   

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