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Session schedule for DrupalCamp Fox Valley

From: Jason B.
Sent on: Tuesday, September 24, 2013, 3:27 PM

The session schedule is finalized for DrupalCamp Fox Valley 2013.

We had a lot of great community submissions to present at DrupalCamp Fox Valley and have put together a schedule that has something for everyone.

We need you!

Our Fox Valley Drupal Meetup Group has always been a vibrant gathering with all levels of Drupal users, great sharing, and fun! DrupalCamp Fox Valley is an extension of the community we have built over the past 5 years and needs your involvement to be a great success.

If you have been on the fence about attending take a look at the schedule and register for DrupalCamp Fox Valley today.

Join the DrupalCamp Fox Valley mailing list to get notified of volunteer opportunities. We will need meetup members to assist in registration, set-up, session recording, meals, and extra events. Step up!