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New Event: La French - World Premiere on the Champs Elysees

From: user 3.
Envoyé le : lundi 22 octobre 2007 17:50
Announcing a new event for Ap?ro international Expat - La French!

What: La French - World Premiere on the Champs Elysees

When: Wednesday, October 24, 7:00 PM

Event fee: EUR15.00 per person

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Event Description: La French, THE international party in town!

Wednesday, 24th october: La French rocks on the Champs Elys?es.

From 7pm to 1am, @ Six Seven Club - 65/67 rue Pierre Charron - 75008 Paris - Mo Franklin Roosevelt (ligne 9 - 1)

"Champagne and hot dogs for beautiful people"

Open bar Champagne & vodka cocktails from 7 to 9 + great buffet and American Hot Dogs dor free, while socializing..
After 9, Electro Pop Rock Dance Floor (DJs: 2Playboyz & Aristochattes)

For all meet up guests:
* Entr?e ? 15EUR (au lieu de 20EUR)
* Double Open Bar de 19h ? 21h
* Buffet Dinatoire de 19h ? 21h et American Hot Dogs
* Free after 21h
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