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Re: [parents-1201] advice required!

From: user 9.
Envoyé le : dimanche 24 janvier 2010 15:27
Hi Kathryn,
I lived in Paris for 1 year but in the 15th. My husband worked the 8th and I also battled to find things to do when meeting him for lunch.  Here are a few things that might not be to far away and are nice.  I am not sure if you live on the edges of 8th and 7th but there is "La Maison Verte"  which is a stay and play.  Staff are very friendly and a few English speaking mom's there too.
There is the Musee Rodin, hard to get to see the actual painted artwork if with a wiggly toddler but the gardens and sculptures are stunning.  Mom's and babies go free if just going to garden.  There is a sand pit and chairs under the tree's at the back of the grounds to chill and let the little one play.
There is also Parc Monceau which is lovely in the summer but not sure about the winter.  It has a childrens play area as well as a guy who comes with his pony's to give kids rides.
Also Palais de la decouverte is a great place for the kids.  Again depending on the age, but anything over 1yr they can have a ball.  Heard they are thinking to close it so get there soon. 
No ideas for swimming in your area but look on the Anglo Info sight and they have all the pools in Paris as does the sight.
Good Luck and have fun.

From: Kathryn <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Sat, 23 January,[masked]:21:15
Subject: [parents-1201] advice required!

Hi everyone

Below is a message from one of our members, Isjca. Please respond if you have any info on activities (she lives in the 8th arrondissement).

Bye for now!


"Do you know of any pools or gyms that have classes for 5 month babies onwards or a creche? I am struggling to find activities in the city to do with my little one. Any advice would be much appreciated."

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