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FREE HIKE - Beautiful Scenery - Seaford to Eastbourne via Seven Sisters

Photo of Amit
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FREE HIKE - Beautiful Scenery - Seaford to Eastbourne via Seven Sisters


Approx., 13 miles partly challenging hike. We will start outside Seaford Station at 10:30 am. The hike will end at Eastbourne Station.

This is a beautiful route which will cover Seven Sisters chalk cliffs stretching from Cuckmere Haven to Birling Gap covering striking landscapes around the English Channel. There are going to be hills. We will be walking around the coastal path enjoying the beautiful scenery. Which will lead to Beachy Head and end at Eastbourne. The views will be worth the challenge.

The walk is completely free. The walk leader will guide you through the route. You need good hiking shoes, 2 litres of water if possible, a packed lunch, cap/hat, sun cream and a good spirit. Remember to refill water at every given opportunity.

You are responsible for your own safety and for making sure that your actions don’t damage the people, animals, or environment around you. This is wholly a voluntary activity. No service/risk is inferred or accepted.
Please be respectful to fellow walkers.

At the end of the walk, we can go to a pub around the station.

My mobile / WhatsApp number if any issues - 07830374629.

The hikes and events are completely free to attend and are organised without any expectations. However, if you enjoy the event and feel like donating then please do so directly at - All donations go directly to Cancer Research UK and that site is managed by them or you may donate to any other charity you may deem fit. There is no compulsion or obligation to do so. Thank you.

Photo of FREE hiking, outdoor fitness, and social activities group
FREE hiking, outdoor fitness, and social activities
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40 spots left