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More children have been killed in Gaza alone since October 7th, 2023, than in all world conflicts since the year 2000.

They said they would never bomb a hospital, they have now bombed every one.

Israeli soldiers share photos of themselves, smiling and posing with the wheelchairs and canes of the elderly people they just slaughtered.

I saw a video of Israeli soldiers walking into a hospital disguised as doctors, and shooting a child, who was already mostly paralyzed, point blank in the head. What was the reason?

I saw a video of an Israeli soldier about to throw a bomb at an ambulance and civilians near by it. When he realized he was being recorded he put the bomb down and walked away.

These are the acts of IOF soldiers.

The Israeli CITIZENS and soldiers are at the border blocking aid from entering Gaza.

For as long as Israel dictated Palestine, it created asinine rules about what could enter it. Basic items, ones we never consider going without. Newspapers, notebooks, chocolate, cement, fabric, fishing rods, fresh meat, potato chips, musical instruments. Why? To rob them and rule them?

Now, they are withholding absolutely essential products from entering Gaza. These items are not limited to food and water, the basic necessities to, well, survive- but other things if you would need if you intend to continue to survive while critically injured. Which, in most cases, those left in Palestine are. A list of some banned items include: anesthetics and anesthesia machines, insulin pens, oxygen cylinders, and ventilators.

If Israel could ban the sun from shining over the ruins in Palestine, it would.

Surely they have been burned to ash, if not buried beneath the rubble, but surely before October 7th, there were surviving Palestinians who carried with them the original deeds from the land that was once theirs. The land that was so viciously stolen out from underneath them.

The land theft in 1948 was called "The Nakba," which translated means, the catastrophe. And it certainly was. Now we have reached something greater than the catastrophe. We have reached a holocaust.

You have a choice. You can look up at the sky, and ponder what you've just read, you can look down at your phone, and distract yourself with another app, you can make yourself a warm dinner, draw yourself a bath. You can do most things. The question is, will you do even one single thing about a holocaust in your own lifetime?

If you will, join us.


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