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What we’re about

[Free Event] March 11 - March 16

All guests receive:

👉 Postural Analysis Machine
Receive a personalised posture analysis from our practitioners using one of our advanced postural analysis machines.

👉 Health Insights
Gain insights into how your spinal health impacts your overall well-being.

👉 Free Tips For Home
Discover tips for maintaining optimal posture at home.

👉 Q&A With Our Practitioners
Consult with our state-registered practitioners to get answers to your health questions.

But why are we offering this?

A new report suggests that the NHS spends close to £1 Billion each year helping patients deal with the side effects of poor posture.

If you have prolonged poor posture, your joints and ligaments are under extra strain.

This means your muscles have to work harder to keep you upright and balanced. As a result, some muscles may become short whilst others become weak.

Over time, these changes can weaken your body and increase the chances of accidents or injuries.

Prolonged poor posture has many negative effects on your body including; tension headaches, back pain, affecting your mental health state and sensitivity to pain.

Our practitioners want to tackle this problem HEAD-ON.

Get ALL of your health questions answered free of charge by one of our state-registered practitioners.