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What we’re about

Join this class to have a taste of freedom and take that sensation into your life!

• Freedom to move your body without learned steps or routines;
• Freedom to let go of comparisons, judgments and criticisms;
• Freedom to be yourself and connect with others.

Each time, your dance is your unique experience. And yet, it is done in a great company. You get lots of permission to do what’s true for you and enough support be reassured and relaxed.

Our class is a shared journey through a dance cycle:

• First, we open our bodies to move with breath, weight, space and each other;
• Then, we let our dance develop and transform, releasing old patterns and finding new ways to move and relate to ourselves and others;
• Finally, there is time to integrate our experience through sharing our dance and being present to our own sensations and our connection with the rest of the room.

There are exercises and guidance to encourage your curiosity and learning; there is also space to dance without any instructions, to process what you have learnt… and just for the fun of it! There is great music, that is specially selected for each session, to serve us throughout the class.

Upcoming events (2)

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