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Re: [freemasons-8] Lets make our meet-up better , You can help................

From: Mz Social B.
Sent on: Monday, June 11, 2007, 8:49 PM
Please help us with our poll by replying to the messages with your answers. We are trying to make this meet-up group a better one for us all.
1.) What type of events would you like to see part of this meet-up? ( Freemasons and Eastern Stars )Meetup.............. I would like to see a little bit of everything mixers, mentoring programs, fundraisers in order to plan trips, meet & greets, business mixers so we can buy from one another, fun stuff like a Beach event, Bear Mountain, etc.... There is no limit to what we can do as long as we work together in harmony.
2.) What days of the week are better for you to attend a meet-up? Wednesdays, Thursdays, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
3.) What time during the day is best for you to attend? Weekdays after 6pm and weekends anytime after 12pm
4.) What can we do to let the other parts of the membership who don't use meet-up information about our meet-up? Email blasts
5.) Many times we are approached by the press regarding our meet-up group. We have not taken any interviews as of yet? Why not, I think the press is a great idea and all we need is a spokesperson for the group. I would love to be the spokesperson...LOL
5a.) Do you believe this would be a good thing to do?  Of course, we must focus on the fundraising activities that we do for the community.
If so who is interested in being the press contact when the press would like to speak to someone from our meet-up group? Me, me, me...
6.) After attending one of our meet-up's what do you think we should change or not change? Making things more accessible for members who live out of areas. Find a central location in each borough. Members should be willing to travel to other boroughs to meet others in our groups.
7.) There are Freemason & Eastern Star meet-up's in different states should we as a group try to attend the events in some of the other states? I would love to visit other states, the fees have to be reasonable, we should rent a bus or a minivan for the day.
Sis Mae 
Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you will help
them become what they are capable of becoming.

-- Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
Thank you everyone for your help , we await your responses.
*One of the friendly assistant organizers*


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