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*****Calgary French Rendez-Vous.

From: Kichiji
Sent on: Friday, May 15, 2009, 1:11 AM
Hello, everyone.

Please read at least as far as the third line. Thank you.

In this message:
-Meeting dates and venues.
-Something strange.

There are five meetings in the near future. The first will take place on
Friday, May 22nd at 6:30pm, at Steeps Urban Teahouse,[masked]th Av SW. The second will take place on
Sunday, May 24th, at 5:00pm, at La Pachanga,[masked]th Av SW. The third will take place on
Wednesday, May 27th, at 7:30pm, Higher Ground Cafe, 1126 Kensington Rd NW. The fourth will take place on
Tuesday, June 2nd, at 6:30pm, at Tim Hortons(Doan Building), 444 5 Av SW. The fifth will take place on
Monday, June 8th, at 7:30pm, at Caffe Beano,[masked]th St SW.

These are 7, 9, 12, 18, and 24 days from now.

Please go now and RSVP.

May 24th is the CLEAN WATER FIESTA! Proceeds provide safe drinking water in Bolivia. SAVE LIVES WHILE HAVING FUN!

I noticed something very strange. I know that because this is a ticketed event, there is a cost involved, but because of the nature of this event, there should be about twice as many "YES"s for this event as for our regular events. That is to say, if our normal meetings have about 4 to 7 "YES"s, this event should have about 8 to 14 "YES"s.

Yet, now, even only 9 days before the event, we still have only three "YES"s for this event.

I would like to make two impassioned pleas to our group.

Firstly, I mentioned that certain types of events especially require that we reply early in order to work. Please reply as early as possible for this event.

Secondly, this event is the end result of an idea that came to me while listening to the CBC radio program "Ideas" about two years ago. I formed a comittee, and found an
excellent organisation to receive the funds raised. We've been working hard on this event
for months. I am a passionate believer that affordable, sustainable means of supplying
safe drinking water are the most efficient and effective way to save lives in the
world. Words cannot express the joy and gratitude that I would feel if we all support
this event. I beg you, please, please, PLEASE, reply "YES" and buy a ticket.

Please note that we can buy tickets conveniently on-line for $41.50 by following the
instructions at...

I am looking forward to seeing us at the meetings!
