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RE : French 'Hump Day' Happy Hour

From: Mer
Sent on: Thursday, October 31, 2013, 11:21 AM FRENCH 'Hump Day' HAPPY HOUR Tell a friend Share Wednesday, November 13, 2013 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM Vapiano 1800 M Street, NW, Washington, DC (map) Venez apprécier l'ambiance chaleureuse d'une conversation en français autour d'un verre de vin et d'apéritifs à moitié prix. C'est ouvert à tous quelque soit votre niveau, que vous soyez débutant ou bien que le Français soit votre langue maternelle. It is irresistible, to enjoy French convo with half-priced appetizers, glass of wine and rail drinks. The Event is open to all levels of French language, from beginners to native fluency. UPDATES 1. There are couple of Vapianos in town and our Happy Hour takes place at the one inDuPont area, not the one in Chinatown. It is found at the corner of 18th and M St. NW. 2. You can ask for our group the hostesses at the door. On top of that, we have a designated area and we put sings on the tables, so that anyone can see them easily. 3. Closest Metro Stations are : - Farragut North (Red Line) - Farragut West (Orange & Blue Lines) - Dupont Circle (Red Line)

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