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RE : Dance Soirée

From: Mer
Sent on: Wednesday, February 12, 2014, 11:34 AM Tell a friend Share Friday, February 28, 2014 10:00 PM This location is shown only to members Price: $0.01/per person Refund policy Amusez-vous bien 'LATE NIGHT HAPPY HOUR' ce jour ci a l’élégante Joséphine Lounge. Il y'aura du spécial entre 22h00 et minuit. En plus, il n'aura pas une charge d'entrer pour toute personne avec une réservation. C'est ouvert à tous quelque soit votre niveau, que vous soyez débutant ou bien que le Français soit votre langue maternelle. Enjoy a French late night happy hour with insanely friendly people at the elegant Josephine Lounge. We will have drink specials between 10 pm and midnight. RSVP is required to skip the cover charge. The Event is open to all levels of French language speakers, from novice to native fluency. Closest Metro Stations : 1. Farragut North (Red) 2. McPherson Square (Blue & Orange) À Propos “You to whom nature has given spirit, sweetness, and beauty. You to who alone can move and rule my heart. You who know all too well the absolute empire. You exercise over it!” The Emperor Napoleon I Napoleon’s love for his first wife was forever captured in a series of letters. The French Emperor and King of Italy was married to Josephine from 1796 – 1810. Although tainted by infidelity, familial objections and the inability to produce a child, Napoleon and Josephine’s flame nevertheless burned with intense passion. “I awake full of you. Your image and the memory of last night’s intoxicating pleasures has left no rest to my senses.” Josephine Lounge embodies the refined grace and stunning aura of Her Imperial Majesty. Illuminated by the color of kings, the space is a reflection of the Empress’ gardens. Dotted with tables as if they were her coveted floral displays; the lounge stimulates every sense and brings to life, dormant urges. A regal experience for the people; Josephine Lounge offers the lush opulence of VIP club life, encompassed by a midsummer night’s indulgence.

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