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From Jodi Templer re: Franco-American Festival in Lowell

From: Ann
Sent on: Wednesday, June 13, 2012, 9:39 PM

Please use the site to e-mail JODI TEMPLER if you are interested in the events below...


From Jodi....

Regarding the 3 films, all are Quebecois -- the daytime films are with subtitles, but the evening film is without subtitles. The 2:30 show is The Legacy (2009) 95 min.   The 5:00 movie is Babin a film by Luc Picard which won several awards (2007) 1hr. 50 min. The 8:00 movie is Madame La Bolduc, a biography and Documentary , 1hour.

I plan on going to the Sunday mass which will be totally in French, songs, homily, prayers. If anyone wants to meet for one of the films, let me know.



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