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French Book Club: Chanson douce (Option 1)

Photo of Will Dendis
Hosted By
Will D.
French Book Club: Chanson douce (Option 1)


Title: Chanson douce
Author: Leïla Slimani
Published: 2016
Pages: 240

(This is the first option to meet to discuss this novel. You can choose between this or the second, scheduled for Monday, July 8. You can also find some samples from the book and other additional info in that post.)

Next up: The finale of part I of our reading year, in which we will immerse ourselves in the gripping and psychologically intense world of Leïla Slimani's Chanson douce.

To participate:
1. Read the French edition of the book (how to find books in French)
2. Pour a glass of wine and join our online meeting to discuss what you thought about it (en Français).

Background of 'Chanson douce': Chanson douce, published in 2016, quickly garnered widespread attention and acclaim, winning the prestigious Prix Goncourt in the same year. The novel is set in Paris and revolves around a young couple, Myriam and Paul, who hire a nanny, Louise, to care for their two young children. What seems like an idyllic solution soon unravels into a chilling drama that explores the complexities of parental guilt, class tensions, and the psychological unraveling of a seemingly perfect nanny.

Why Chanson douce is well-known: Leïla Slimani's novel stands out for its masterful storytelling, crisp prose, and its unflinching exploration of uncomfortable truths about parenthood, trust, and dependence. The story's opening with a shocking crime sets a suspenseful tone, compelling readers to understand the hows and whys of the tragedy. The book has not only been a bestseller in France but has also received international acclaim, resonating with audiences globally for its universal themes and Slimani's skillful narrative craft.

Why someone would want to read it: Chanson douce is a compelling read for anyone fascinated by psychological thrillers and character-driven narratives. The book offers a nuanced and often disturbing look at the dynamics of power, loneliness, and desperation. Our book club session will provide a rich ground for discussing the multifaceted characters, the societal commentary Slimani weaves into the narrative, and the moral complexities presented in the book. Readers looking for a thought-provoking, emotionally engaging, and intellectually stimulating experience will find Chanson douce a perfect fit.

It it hard to read? Chanson douce is actually easier to read than most of the previous books we've read. It has very straight-forward style and is not overly descriptive, so the vocabulary is more like conversation than most novels. So although it's a bit longer than others we've read, it didn't take me (Will) longer to read. (I actually started it early because I thought it would take longer than usual, but in fact it was the opposite.) I'll also add here that although I haven't read a ton of books in French, this is my favorite. If you just pick one to read from the club, make it this one!

Author interview
Check out this interview with the author on La Grande Library, in which she discusses "Chanson douce" as well as her first book, "Dans le jardin de l’ogre."

Looking ahead:
SONDAGE: If you haven't already, please help us choose future books to read by taking this online poll.

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