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Venez apprécier l'ambiance chaleureuse d'une conversation en français autour d'un verre de vin et d'apéritifs à moitié prix. C'est ouvert à tous quelque soit votre niveau, que vous soyez débutant ou bien que le Français soit votre langue maternelle.

Enjoy a French convo with half-priced appetizers, glass of wine and rail drinks. The Event is open to all levels of French language, from beginners to native fluency.


The opening of the Silver Line Metro Station made the Tysons Corner very accessible. To get to the Restaurant, you just have to cut through the Mall and take the exit by Bloomingdale's. Then walk a block to Leesburg Pike.

Closest Metro Station is Tysons Corner. Also, please take into account Metro's Weekend Track Work & Service Adjustments. Please check it on and plan accordingly.

Parking is free! They have more than 200 slots in the building.

Photo of French language & culture in Northern Virginia group
French language & culture in Northern Virginia
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Every 4th Sunday of the month

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