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What we’re about

This group brings together people of all ages and backgrounds, wanting to improve their French with those who speak French, wanting to learn, improve their English in a Friendly easy way on zoom, at least 3 times a week, at a regular time, as nothing will ever beat regular practice. In the Spring and Summer we also do regular bi-Weekly Pub events and will mix in at monthly events with ways to recognize each others.

This is a FREE of any costs group for Online events, but is not a tutored class, instead we all help each others while hopefully becoming friends. You'll find Free swap of Languages, free penpals, but teachers aren't Free unless they want to learn your language and a deal can be made. By saving here you can start planning holidays in France or a French speaking country/place. Et Voila!

It is also possible to swap /barter skills, knowledge, services for Language practice with someone you appreciate in this group. Our new website will help you do that and much more...

Our events are both Online regularly and in Person in the spring/summer, in Central London, Shoreditch and Brighton.

Online Events:
Together we will adapt things for maximum best results with fun weekly themes we'll also decide together :) or could simply improvise also. They are usually 1 to 2 hours long and could change duration depending on our numbers.
When we'll feel we have enough absolute beginners I'll organize a weekly class for them with a light amount of homework and a minimum donation required if preparation was needed.

In Person Events:
We will meet in Spring and summer in quiet places such as restaurants,cafes or outdoors where we can talk and hear each others or mix in crwd events such as big Parties, exhibitions, private views wearing a coloured wrist band. In person events usually involve a cost and worse every penny.

You need to be 18 to join this group like for joining Meetup.

If you join this group, by joining you agree to be as active as possible.

I am French, Born in Paris, grew up there, worked as an Artist/illustrator at weekends and as a Software/hadware consultant for film companies in the week. Spent months in Nice, Toulouse, Bordeaux and spent holidays in various locations. One of my first jobs and Passion in the UK was photography so I could soon travel in France with some of you for Photo/language holidays. Make sure you message me here about your dates of Holidays for this and the next few years.

They are many things, French conversation is good for, from raising your dopamine /happiness level and desires to travel, live the experience, and so you'll find out what those are in more details when you join us online (FREE) and soon on our new website.

Why I'm I organizing such a group?
Because I left France such a long time ago, that whatever I do, that is French related, brings me back closer and closer to my sweet beautiful green home France was and still is. England in comparison is my crazy, happy, buzzing, learning home, and I do Love both.


Upcoming events (4+)

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