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Crypto Podcasts, YouTubers and Bloggers

Photo of Brad Roltgen
Hosted By
Brad R.
Crypto Podcasts, YouTubers and Bloggers


We have all watched a YouTube video or two about cryptocurrencies but do you realize HOW MUCH free info is out there regarding cryptos? There's literally too much to keep up with but fortunately one of our newest members, Iry, keeps up with a number of crypto podcasts, YouTubers and bloggers. Join us as she shares which ones we should follow and why. Bring your favorites as well just in case there's one that Iry hasn't found yet.

We will have a ton of links to share by the end of this meeting. We'll add those "live" in a Google document so by the end of the meeting we'll have a great list of resources for everyone. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to contribute to the document.

Here's the link to the Google doc that we'll be sharing:

Open the document and "Request Edit Access" to edit so you can contribute. Or send your G-Mail address to

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