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What we’re about

Friday Nights at the Lodge are weekly events held at our masonic lodge in Millwood, WA, at 3219 N Argonne. The purpose of the events is to use our building and the people of our community to enrich as many lives as possible through community-based events.

Most events are all ages, but attendees under 18 need to be accompanied by an adult.

Most events are free but we charge for some to cover our costs.

• Providing programs to enrich children, teens, seniors, and families.
• Providing recreational, social, and educational activities to residents of all ages regardless of ethnicity, gender, or economic status, with the goal to connect and empower the community.
• Developing partnerships with other non-profit and community-oriented organizations
• Providing exemplary management of the lodge and its activities.

We hope you can find time to join us.
-Concordia Lodge #249