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New Meetup: I predict a riot! Indie/punk/rock covers band at the row barge, guildford

From: Gale
Sent on: Monday, December 21, 2009, 8:49 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Guildford Friends Meetup Group!

What: I predict a riot! Indie/punk/rock covers band at the row barge, guildford

When: January 9,[masked]:00 PM

The row barge
7 Riverside, Guildford, Surrey GU1 1LW

Sounds of the Suburbs are a 5-piece indie/punk/rock covers band with both male & female lead singers enabling them to perform songs from the greatest bands from 70's punk, to 80's New Wave and modern indie songs of today.

Bands in their repertoire include, Sex Pistols, Buzzcocks, The Clash, Blondie, The Ruts and The Members to Green Day, Kaiser Chiefs, The Hives, Stereophonics, The Killers & Supergrass. Lots of crowd pleasing numbers plus some pogo-inducing tracks which guarantee to get any venue up and jumping.

If you want to hear some cracking covers performed with great passion including a large dose of humour, then check them out!

Entry to see the band is Free - i'll post the finer points of meeting-up details very soon but it will be at the venue somewhere & ill give out my mobile no. to all 'yes's nearer the time

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