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Books to Read PER the suggestion of one of our members!

From: Fena D.
Sent on: Tuesday, February 28, 2012, 9:58 AM

Hi Friends, 

Many of you that attend our workshops ask about the books that I mention.  I have started a PHOTOS Album with all the books that I suggest or mention in our workshops.  I put photos of them there so that you could easily see what you would be ordering when you go to Amazon. 


NOTE:  Go to USED BOOKS on Amazon.  MUCH CHEAPER and the books are almost ALWAYS new or almost new.   So go to Amazon, in the search box, type in USED BOOKS and the name of the book.  Yo won't believe the pricing! 

I hope these books help you! They really changed my outlook on many issues AND helped me to grow. 

Fena D'Ottavio

[address removed]

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