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"Fly Me To The Moon" Martini Party!

From: Fena D.
Sent on: Monday, April 30, 2012, 9:17 AM

Hi Friends!

THE ENTRY FEE INCLUDES YOUR FIRST DRINK!!!  $5.00 entry with a drink! yippee!

Our second "Fly Me to The Moon" Martini Party was an "off the charts" blast!

WHY? The place was right! The people were right! The music was right and not too loud!  The price was right and the food was right!  What a great time!  So many people came up to us that night to say what a great time they had and that possibly that event was the best they had ever been to!

So again we are incorporating "Speed Friending" on the front end of this event!  What is "Speed Friending"?  Well think about it...what is Friends First all about?  Making friends right?

From the reports back on our first Speed Friending, the comments were positive!  People go to meet new people.  From my observations, when it was nearing the end, it was difficult to get the participants off the couch and out into the room!  Everyone was having such a great time talking to each other that they didn't want to leave!

When there are so many people in the room, we know that getting a moment with everyone or even an opportunity to spend a moment with someone that we might be interested in knowing is difficult.  At our Sunday workshop/socials, we do a meet and greet handshake/hug for about 10 minutes prior to starting the workshop. This breaks the ice in such a manner that when people sit down to their discussion tables, they actually have spoken to people in their group and have either shook their hand or hugged them.

Believe it or not, THAT introduction with a handshake or hug does change the dynamics of the room and the workshop!

With that thought in mind, we created "Speed Friending".  What do we all think of when we hear the word "Speed Dating"?  We think of sitting across from someone in a bad suit and a comb over or a lady that in no way is the woman of his dreams.  It just does not appeal to most of us.  Introductions and getting to at least break the ice is what is important to us.

THEREFORE....we are taking the pressure off by introducing "Speed Friending".   Just like on Facebook, you can friend someone or NOT.  It is your choice!

In "Speed Friending", when you enter to begin, you will be given a number that has a honey bee or honey pot along beside the number. HONEY BEES sit on the left side of the couch while HONEY POTS sit on the right.   You will be given a list of 5 questions to ask each other.  On the back of those questions, there will be a room map directing you to the next station.  The person sitting on the left (HONEY BEE) stays stationary while the person (man OR woman) (HONEY POT) on the right moves to the next position when the timer sounds.

Why do we need "Speed Friending"?  Think about it like this...the person sitting next to you, either a man or woman, can become your best friend, can become someone that you might want to do business with, can become a friend that can take you on to meet other new friends outside of Friends First, can become someone that you might date, can become someone that you might have a long term relationship with or even marry!  It is all in the cards!

All it takes to change your life is ONE FIRST TIME meeting!  You just have to have the opportunity to meet on a bit deeper level than simply saying hello.  "Speed Friending" gives you that opportunity!

Speed Friending will start at 5:00 p.m. and go until 6:30 p.m.   If you would like to Speed Friend, just show up at 5!  There is an additional charge of $5 for this part of our event.  I know...sounds like a lot but honestly, there is a lot of work and preperation and monitoring of this type of event.  Also there is printing of all the materials for this.

Do you just want to come at 5 p.m. to 6:30 and not Speed Friend?  NO PROBLEM!  We have an area off to the right where those not involved in Friending can go to socialize!  There is a really neat bar and a host of couches for you all to enjoy on the right side of DRINK.  There is even an outside deck and if the weather is nice, you will be able to go outside!

Now for the Martini Party...we have our FANTASTIC DJ lined up to get you off your feet and out onto the dance floor!  He will be spinning tunes that WE like at a sound level that we can tolerate!  Having music that is way too loud kills our enjoyment of events.  If anyone thinks the music is too loud, do not hesitate to come to Fena or Helene and say something, we will take care of the sound level ASAP!  YOUR enjoyment is what matters!

There will be GREAT appetizers and food to order at this event!  More details to follow on this!

Cost for this event is at $5.00 because you will get your first drink with your ticket.

We hope you join us for another FUN evening out!