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Looking for Talent-Writing and sharing articles of importance

From: Fena D.
Sent on: Tuesday, February 9, 2010, 9:46 AM
WE am looking for YOU!!! WE are looking for TALENT!

Are you a writer? A poet? A business professional that would like to share your thoughts on business?

Then we have an opportunity for YOU.

Would you like to share what inspires you? Do you have deep feelings on a subject that you think should be shared with others? SO WRITE ABOUT IT! This is your time to be heard!

As you all know, The Connectivity Newsletter is about to launch. Two newsletters, two topics. One Single and Social based and the other Business and Networking Based.

Do you like to write or have written things in the past but have never been published? Now here is your chance.

We are looking for topics on:

A) For the Singles Newsletter:
Share articles that you find OR WRITE one for this publication!
Dating-the joys, the heartbreaks, the pitfalls, the fun, the heart touching, the connections
Relationships-how to, what works, what doesn't, dating over 40
Friendships-building new friendships after 40 while trying to be a parent, work, have a new life.
Any other topic that pertains to being single or being in a relationship.

B) Business:
Business How to, business problems and solutions, business inspiration, business networking and job networking, The pitfalls of trying to do business or find a job during in these economic times.
Anything related to business!
You can either submit an article or write one.

How to get published in the newsletter:

Please send your submission to:

[address removed]

Your article will be read and we will get back to you regarding the status of where and when your article will be shared in the newsletter. We have a panel of people that will be reading the articles and making selections.

We can't wait to hear from you!!!

Fena D'Ottavio and the Connectivity Newsletter Team