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Attention Blues Lovers

From: KaRi from T.
Sent on: Friday, February 20, 2009, 8:58 AM
Tonight, plays at the Americana Cafe (think "diner"!) on Broadway & Atlantic in Long Beach. I broadcasted this LIVE via last Friday (visual only, I had static probs with the audio - yes it was a "test"!). Check this out as well, Feb 28th. If someone wants to host this event, let me know...

Hello Blues Lovers -

Though tickets are going fast, we are excited to announce a really great promotional offer for this week only (Ends Sunday at Midnight). Advanced tickets to the LA Juke Joint Blues Fest and BBQ Feast now on sale for 40% off! That's only $9 per ticket. Keep in mind on show day these same tickets will be $15 at the door. (Tickets for this event two years running in Santa Barbara were $30 to $40 each!) To purchase advanced tickets please paypal to [address removed] and note your exact first and last name. Tickets will not be mailed. You will be on a prepaid list at the door the night of the event. So easy.

You may also become a Southern California Blues Society Member (and receive discounts to every event - only $10 per ticket) by visiting, downloading and sending in the membership form. Or sign up at the show on Saturday, Feb 28 at the Cellar in Long Beach.

Look forward to seeing you there. We are anticipaing 200 rabid blues fans in attendance.

Your Friends at the Southern California Blues Society

The 2009 LA JUKE JOINT BLUES FESTIVAL to be held on the last Saturday of this month (Feb. 28) at the Cellar in Long Beach.

The first two incarnations of this festival were performed in 2003 and 2005 for the Santa Barbara Blues Society and were hugely successful, with over 300 blues fans in attendance.

Those festivals featured real deal, yet obscure blues greats from the South Central scene including: Sonny Green, Joyce Lawson, Mary Dukes, Bobby Warren, Jamie Powell, Missisippi Bo, Dr. Hank, Dangerous Darryl, Curtis Jack Griffin, Hollis Gilmore, Ray Brooks, Joe Kincaid's Soul Brothers and Southside Slim.

This year's line up is fantastic: Curtis Jack Griffin, Sonny Green, Bobby Warren, Marguaret Love, Mississippi Bo and a dozen other amazing guest singers backed by the Cadillac Zack Band featuring Deacon Jones.

Now let's talk BBQ. The Cellar literally has the best pork ribs you'll ever taste and the prices are extremely reasonable. Come on down! This is gonna be an authentic juke joint blues party not to miss.

Here are the details:

Saturday, Feb 28, 2009
9pm til 1:00 am

The Cellar
201 E. Broadway
Long Beach, CA 90801

$15 general admission
$10 current blues society members

Southern California Blues Society