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トラベル英会話☆Traveling Talking in English in Funabashi 日本語でもOK

Photo of Hiro
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トラベル英会話☆Traveling Talking in English in Funabashi 日本語でもOK


We organize an English conversation event focused on travel, considering that many foreigners in Japan and English enthusiasts are passionate about exploring the world.

Event Overview:
○ Registration will begin 15 minutes prior to the start of the event.
○ After a brief self-introduction, everyone will share their travel experiences in English for about 15 minutes. If you're not comfortable expressing in English, it's absolutely fine to start in Japanese and collectively work on translating it into English. Share enjoyable travel stories while practicing English.

Suggestions for discussing your travels:

  • Where and when did you visit?
  • How long was your stay?
  • What was the reason or purpose of your visit?
  • What are the highlights or famous attractions of that place?
  • What did you eat there, and how was the experience? What activities did you engage in?
  • Did you notice any differences in culture, people's characteristics, cityscape, or other aspects of the place you visited?
  • Was it a solo trip, part of a tour, or for work?
  • Did this travel experience change your perspectives or values?
  • Were there any particularly valuable or challenging experiences? Bringing photos or relevant materials from your trip would enrich the discussion.

Event Details:

  • Participation Fee: 500yen
  • The event will be held at the Funabashi Chuo Public Hall. Your cooperation in tidying up tables and chairs after the event would be greatly appreciated.


ハロー!! 日本にいる外国人や英会話好きには旅好きの方が多いことから、旅に特化して語る英会話のイベントを企画しました。

◆ イベントの進行
○ 開始15分前から受付を始めます。
○ 簡単な自己紹介の後、皆さんが行った国や都市(国内外問わず)について、15分ほど英語でお話し下さい。英語で出来ない言い回し方は日本語で結構です。皆んなで考えて英語に訳しましょう。 英語の練習も兼ねて、楽しかった旅の話をして下さい。
○ 旅の話は以下の事を参考にして下さい。
: 個人旅行でしたか?それともツアーに参加されましたか?または仕事で行かれましたか?
:その旅で貴重な体験や大変だった事はありますか? その旅で撮った写真や参考になる物を持って来ていただけるとその旅の話が一層盛り上がると思います。

■ 参加費: 500円

■ 開催場所は船橋中央公民館です。

COVID-19 safety measures

Event will be indoors
The event host is instituting the above safety measures for this event. Meetup is not responsible for ensuring, and will not independently verify, that these precautions are followed.
Photo of 船橋マルチリンガル(サブ)☆Funabashi Multilinguals (Sub) group
船橋マルチリンガル(サブ)☆Funabashi Multilinguals (Sub)
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12 spots left