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Re: [furries-290] Tor and Bitcoin

From: Iridescent S.
Sent on: Sunday, September 2, 2012, 12:13 PM

That is what's used. However, though the deep web is ideal for buying/selling illegal things online, it can be used for other things that aren't illegal just so it can't be traced by people you don't want tracing it.

On Sep 2,[masked]:21 AM, "Dalavin Skepherd" <[address removed]> wrote:
Isn't that that one thing that people buy drugs online through?  I seem to remember some scrub on Xbox mentioning some secure P2P payment system that allowed people to anonymously buy drugs online... could've sworn it was something similar to "bitcoin"...

AKA The Skepherd
AKA Tanner <3

----- Original Message -----
From: Alex Maurin <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Saturday, September 1,[masked]:43 PM
Subject: [furries-290] Tor and Bitcoin

OBTW, recently, I've been playing with tor and bitcoin, and really
studying the two.

Is anyone here familiar with these technologies?

my torchat address is jg7lokxvtdis6dv7 if you know what that is.

i tend to hang out on #bitcoin-otc every now and then as coyo or bandu.

the tor darknet is a fascinating place.

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