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Need a chaparone/adult for RainFurrest

From: Spirit K.
Sent on: Wednesday, September 26, 2012, 8:29 PM
I know this is really last minute, but I need an 18+ "responsible adult" I can 'tag-along' with at RainFurrest. My mom got a ton of overtime and will only be able to drop me off and pick me up, not stay with me the whole day. I will be there Saturday, not sure what times exactly yet (probably afternoon-to-evening). I can co-ordinate times with you on when to come if needed since we have no solid plan on what times I am going yet. I'm 17 currently, and will have an almost-12-year-old with me. I can pay for myself to get in and everything; I just need an adult there. This is my first con and first year at RainFurrest so I'm not sure how strict they are about the rules for under-18 needing adults, but the website says it's required so I'd like someone who can vouch that I'm with them just in case.

If anyone is willing to do this for me please let me know as soon as you can! Thank you! :)


((also this is my first time sending something to the mailing list so please forgive me if I did it wrong))

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