This is NOT a preparedness meeting, but a preparedness Ham Radio Net that meets weekly on Tuesday nights at the below frequency. Nonhosted unless someone steps up.
Prepper Net Every Tuesday night at 8:30PM CST on 151.8200 MHz Some folks have come together and chosen a frequency or channel that all preppers can use. They assume that you probably have a Baofeng or Wouxun type radio, or other radio capable of transmitting in the MURS band. We picked this frequency because you do not need a license. You do not need to be a ham radio operator.
What do I do? Just program 151.820 into your radio and label it as PREP.
From another team: "It is our intention to have as many members of our community as possible to use this frequency."
Every Tuesday night at 9:30pm est just monitor that channel. At some point, after we get enough people, you may begin to actually have contacts on that channel. Maybe getting to a higher place in your op area will help you hear what's going on.
Why do I care? Perhaps you are going to travel and you may find preppers on that channel.
Time Zones:
4:30PM HST
6:30PM PST
7:30PM MST
8:30PM CST
9:30PM EST
National Prepper Calling Frequency (Please Mirror and Share)
Also remember OPSEC (operational security) you may not know who is listening or paying attention... Don't be stupid and get into trouble with power levels on your gear either. Ask an Elmer for help if you're new.