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Deep Dive: How to Master the Legal Issues in Gaming

From: Eric Y.
Sent on: Thursday, May 9, 2013, 11:01 AM
Hey NYC Gamers,
  As requested here is more info about next week's anticipated deep dive

Date: Tuesday May 14th @ 7pm est
Location: Microsoft, 1290 Avenue of the America's

You are a game developer who has thrown every ounce of of your skill into making fantastic games. But in the back of your mind lurks a host of legal questions that you might be afraid to ask.

Join three experienced attorneys, as they walk game developers of all types through the basics of law in the gaming space. Chris, Aaron, and Eric will cover a wide range of legal topics in plain english, answering questions like: What should I think about when starting a company with co-founders? What are the various types of intellectual property, how do they work, and what should I know about them with respect to my game company? What sorts of contracts am I likely to negotiate, or be asked to sign and what are some of the big provisions to look out for and why? What do I need to know about privacy regulations, especially if my game targets children?

Seating is limited so register soon. Don't miss the chance to get a better understanding of the legal issues you face as a developer and to pose your questions and concerns to experienced attorneys. Whether you are thinking of founding a studio, already run or work for one, or do freelance work for developers, this session will arm you with invaluable legal knowledge.


Chris Reid is a lifelong gamer who has transferred that passion to his law practice, where he now specializes in serving and representing game developers. Chris studied the intersection of IP and technology at Fordham Law School, going on to work in patent litigation at Ropes & Gray LLP in New York before leaving to start his own practice. Chris combines his legal experience and analysis with a keen understanding of the games industry to help advise developers and game creators on a broad range of legal issues. A frequent speaker and advocate on gaming legal issues, Chris has organized discussion panels, legal education classes for developers and recently spoke as a panelist at the International Fordham IP Conference on the subject of video game law. Chris' goal is to build lasting relationships with his clients by helping them navigate complex legal problems so that they can focus on making great games.

Aaron Pierce is a 15 year veteran enthusiast and member of New York City's artistic and entrepreneurial communities. His endeavors have culminated and include the successful construction and ownership of a renown live music venue in NYC, an artist management company and a well known law firm serving actively as advocates for today's creative professional. Having graduated from Fordham Law School with a focus in entertainment, contract and corporate law, Aaron has set out to combine his artistic passions and entrepreneurial drive with an enduring commitment to the greater community and to other creative start-ups. The skills Aaron has developed as an activist, actor, musician, business owner, counselor and attorney are continually brought to bear at The Law Offices of Aaron H. Pierce.


Eric Tam is Senior Staff Attorney at Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts, where he counsels a variety of artist and arts organization clients and teaches and develops legal education courses, including relating to the electronic games and digital media industries for VLA's membership, the School of Visual Arts, and the International Game Developers Association. He previously held a clerkship at the Court of Appeal for Ontario, and worked as a litigator at Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP. Eric holds a JD from Yale Law School and an M.Phil from Yale's Department of Political Science. 


Now a word from our sponsors:

The Law Offices of Aaron H. Pierce helps game companies of all sizes with the full range of legal issues from incorporation to contract negotiation, development agreements, IP rights management and protection. Have a quick question and want to work with true experts in the field? Contact Aaron and Chris for a free consultation and find out how our flexible pricing and dedication to clients will let you focus on making great games.

Millennial Media is the leading independent mobile advertising platform company. We help developers focus on their core business of developing apps by providing the technology,tools and services necessary to maximize advertising revenue, acquire users for their apps and gain insights about their users. Visit to learn more and start monetizing and advertising your applications today.

GoPrezzo is a plug and play tournament platform and your new best friend. As active NYGM member and creator of Rope Rescue Itay Keren says, "goprezzo offers game developers a new and unique monetization opportunity. We are excited about it because it opens up a new revenue channel that is solely based on actual user engagement. So in a sense we win twice". Interested in how Goprezzo can help your game gain even more traction Email [address removed] for details.

Corona Labs is the maker of Corona SDK, a top mobile development platform. Over 200,000 developers worldwide use Corona SDK to build rich, interactive cross-platform mobile games and apps for iOS, Android, Kindle and NOOK. Using Corona SDK, you can develop world-class apps in a fraction of the time. Learn more and download a free, unlimited trial of Corona SDK Or email us at [address removed].

Eric Yohay

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