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Summer Solstice Message Circle

Photo of Garrett Jackson
Hosted By
Garrett J.
Summer Solstice Message Circle


As the brilliance of summer Sun and warmth now flows over the Northern Hemisphere, you, too, are flowing into a new corresponding inner season.

To help you flow in harmony with these changes, you are invited to a sacred evening of hearing from the Spirit World.

In this online circle, I will serve as a medium for messages from Archangel Haniel, your transcendent departed loved ones, and any other spirit allies that you may wish to connect with.

We begin by calling in our personal helping spirits, to create an incredibly loving sacred space in our surroundings. We will then ask the Guardian Spirit of Summer to show us how this new season moves us, what changes need to be made in order to be healthy this season, and to cleanse us as we step into this fresh season.

With cleansing performed, I will then channel personal readings from Haniel and/or other requested spirits for the participants. You can ask specific questions in your reading, or allow these beings to share whatever they would like you to know at that time. And, if you did not receive an answer in the guided experience, you can ask the spirits here what you need to do to flow healthfully with this seasonal change.

I will channel as many direct personal readings as time allows. Those who do not receive such a reading often find that messages come to them through the readings for others in the circle, in a phenomenon called “economizing” (which will be elaborated on in the circle).

Because we are working with transcendent spirits, the messages they share in this circle are loving, moving, and divinely-guided. And, since these beings are outside of our realm, they can bring these messages to you without you needing to be in the same physical room as me.

Whether you are looking for personal messages, some spiritual healing, or an experience of the sacred, if you feel called to attend, there is something here for you.

REGISTER NOW on the circle webpage!

Photo of Garrett Jackson, Shamanic Practitioner and Teacher group
Garrett Jackson, Shamanic Practitioner and Teacher
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