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Job advice/help.

From: Leandro R.
Sent on: Friday, June 22, 2012, 5:34 PM

Hi Everyone,

My name is Manuel, I am an Electronics Engineer from Colombia. I have been living on the Gold Coast for almost three years.

I just found Gold Coast Techspace on the internet and I want to apologize, in advance, for bothering with my favor.
I am just wondering if maybe some of you could help me or give me an advice about how to get a job related with the Electronics Engineering.
In this years I have been not lucky enough to find a job in the Electronics or IT field.
I am looking for an entry level job because I do not have experience.
I can do any kind of job, I am fast learner and a dedicated professional.
I can fix computers, software and hardware.

Thank you so much for your time and help, I will really appreciate it.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.



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