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Python course and Silicon Valley CodeCamp

From: wesley c.
Sent on: Tuesday, June 12, 2012, 2:23 PM

Great meetup last week! Some of you asked for more info about CodeCamp
as well as my upcoming hardcore Python course, so here it is as
requested... it's pretty much the same as from my live in-person

Silicon Valley CodeCamp is a *free* technical conference occurring
over the weekend of Oct 8-9 on the Foothill College campus in Los
Altos Hills right off 280. Free talks, free food, free drinks, free
parking... what's not to like?!? register at

As far as the Python course goes, all of the details can be found
below. One question I got asked was how my course differentiates
itself from the others out there. It used to be harder to explain, but
now I've found it: "My job isn't necessarily to teach Python syntax...
you can learn that in a book or from some other teacher. My goal is to
produce great new Python developers." :-)

Since I hate spam too, this is the only time you'll hear about it (on
this list). :-)

Thanks and hope to see some of you there (as I can't make the July GTUG mtg)!


I'll be doing another hardcore Python course this summer in the San
Francisco area. If you're somewhat new to Python or have tinkered but
want to fill-in the holes, this course is for you. It's somewhat true
you can learn Python online, watching videos, or reading books, but it
still takes time and experience to master... I help accelerate this
process. The course is based on my bestselling "Core Python" books and
is made up of 3 full days complete with lectures and three hands-on
coding labs per day.

Please pass on this message to your colleagues who also need to learn
Python. It's also a great excuse to coming to beautiful Northern
California for a summer vacation! More details at­
as well as the links in my .signature below.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"A computer never does what you want... only what you tell it."
    wesley chun : wescpy at gmail : @wescpy/+wescpy
    Python training & consulting : https://CyberwebCo...­
    "Core Python" books : https://CorePython...­
    Python blog: https://wescpy.blo...­

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