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DevOpsDays Silicon Valley 2014 at the Computer History Museum

From: Peter M.
Sent on: Friday, June 6, 2014, 11:02 AM

Hi there,

I thought some of you might be interested in the following event. So if you want a sneak peek into devops here is your chance. And for a limited time you can use the "GDG" discount for a 20% off the EARLY BIRD pricing of $100.

Here are the details:

DevOpsDays Silicon Valley is right around the corner, kicking off a month from now on June 27th and 28th immediately after the Velocity Conference. I hope that many of our members will join us for what is probably the best DevOps related event in the world.

Never been to a DevOpsDays event before? The event follows the open space concept:

Looking at integrating monitoring with your flavor of configuration management? production container management? using technology to quantify self? clustered configuration is hard? Open spaces give you the opportunity to talk with other people trying to solve the same problems. Come early and get your ideas on the proposals board!

Each morning starts off with coffee and entertaining and thought provoking presentationsfrom the community. Here are more than 100 videos recorded from previous devopsdays events from all over the world and some from around here:

- Silicon Valley 2013:
- Mountain View 2012:
- Mountain View 2011:
- and of course our first Mountain View DoD in 2010:

This year DevOpsDays Silicon Valley will be at the Computer History Museum. We are only charging a minimal small fee of $150 per ticket for a full 2 day event with breakfast and lunch included.

Register today:


The GDG organizers


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