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Android Cryptography - Esempi di crittografia in un’app Android

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Android Cryptography - Esempi di crittografia in un’app Android


In questo talk esploreremo la crittografia e il suo ruolo nella protezione dei dati sensibili sui dispositivi Android. Discuteremo le diverse tecniche di crittografia utilizzate e vedremo degli esempi di implementazione delle tecniche più comuni.

L'evento sarà ospitato da Bitrock a Treviso.




Emanuele Maso

Hosted By

Marco Gomiero, Android Engineer

Marco is an Android engineer, currently working at Airalo. He is a Google Developer Expert for Kotlin, he loves Kotlin and he has experience with native Android and native iOS development, as well as cross-platform development with Flutter and Kotlin Multiplatform.

In his spare time, he writes and maintains open-source code, he shares his dev experience by writing on his blog, speaking at confs and organizing events with the Google Developer Group Venezia and he plays basketball.

Andrea Maglie, Organizer

Simone Formica, Organizer

Android & AOSP Dev
Linux lovers,
IoT and Photo lover

Co-organizer of GdG Venezia - Mentor at Coderdojo ZeroBranco (TV)

Omar Al Bukhari, Android Developer

I am specialized in developing Android applications.
I love to learn a lot of new things even not related to my field.
I spend my time also on doing karate, traveling to places that I have never visited, and I do love photo-shooting the world.
I am part of the Google Developer Group community as one of many lead co-organizers in GDG Venice and GDG Italy.
I have just one goal in my entire life, being inspired every time no matter what is in front of me!

Giuseppe Sorce, Senior Mobile Developer

Fabio Catinella, Android Engineer



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