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#GeoNYC special 50% off for CARTO Locations New York

From: Member ID: #.
Sent on: Monday, April 23, 2018, 11:28 AM

Hello GeoNYC!

CARTO Locations, our first-ever NYC user conference is coming up and we'd love to have you there. Our Early bird pricing ends the 27th, at 40% off.

BUT since you are all such special friends of CARTO, I'm sending this group a slightly better offer of 50% off if you do it this week. So get in there and register now, with this code:


CARTO Locations, NYC
May 23-24th

The Weylin
175 Broadway Brooklyn, NY 11211

We'd love to see you there. Locations Madrid (last week) had seriously thoughtful conversations from leaders in the field about spatial thinking, mapping for business, and the future of our industry. Plus, you get to hang out in the awesome Weylin in Williamsburg all day. 

Email me with questions, and see you there.


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