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Film Chasing Ice

From: Dianne R.
Sent on: Friday, February 8, 2013, 1:01 PM

Hallo Alle-

We had spoken sbout this film at Kaffeeklatsch.  For those interested, here is an opportunity for free tickets!    Note: It is not in German.

We are writing to let you know our program has been extended and the film is returning to your town. 

Would you like to share this program with your community? Tickets are still available: invite them to join you! Please help us share this opportunity with all your friends, family, colleagues--anyone who might like to see this film. Simply copy and paste the following into your own email, Facebook post, etc. -
  • COMPLIMENTARY TICKETS! Opening this Sunday, Feb 10 at Cinestudio in Hartford: See the Sundance award-winning film CHASING ICE (NOMINATED FOR AN OSCAR for Best Original Song, "Before My Time", featuring Scarlett Johansson and Joshua Bell). Tickets are being purchased for guests like you while supplies last. Don't wait! Visit the link below and use the Group Code "BeTheChange" to request your tickets:

This program is also active in other cities

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