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Meetup details changed: Oktoberfest bei Jon!

From: Dianne R.
Sent on: Wednesday, October 9, 2013, 10:27 AM

I've updated this Meetup. For more details, see the full listing:

When: Friday, October 18,[masked]:00 PM

Jon hat uns nochmal bei ihm eingeladen- vielen Dank, Jon!

Please note: this date has been changed to the 18th.  Some of us received an earlier announcement stating the 11th.

Eintritts Preis: Bier oder etwas Deusches zu essen.

Jon will once again show his great hospitality and cooking talents with Spaetzle, Wurst u.s.w.  Please bring something to share- Salat ,Bier, Nachtisch usw.

This event is open to all interested German speakers. Please RSVP.

We are not putting his home address on the Internet.  If you were there last year, you know where it is and what a great time we had.  For those RSVP'ing yes, the address will be sent to you a day or two before.  It is off Route 4, not far from the center of Farmington.

Where: Private Residence
Address to be sent to those who RSVP "yes"
Farmington, CT


You can always get in touch with me through my group profile on Meetup.

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