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New Meetup: Liederkranz Turner Spring Concert

From: Nick
Sent on: Wednesday, April 22, 2009, 7:29 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Dayton German Language Meetup Group!

What: Liederkranz Turner Spring Concert

When: May 3,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: Es gibt am 5. Mai ein Konzert und Abendessen von Liederkranz-Turner. Wenn du Interesse daran hast, sag mir bitte bis 25. April Bescheid. Dann kann ich eine Reservierung f?r unsere Gruppe machen. Hier ist die Information von der Webseite:

Spring Concert and Dinner
The Dayton Liederkranz Damenchor & Maennerchor have a fantastic Spring Concert ready for your enjoyment - Sunday, May 3, 2009, at 3 p.m. in the Great Hall. Admission to the concert is free and guests are welcome! The afternoon continues after the concert with a Sauerbraten Dinner starting at 5 p.m. The dinner will feature Sauerbraten as well as Kl??e (dumplings), Rot Kohl (red cabbage), dessert, and coffee. The cost for the dinner is $12 for members and $15 for guests, and prepaid reservations should be made by April 25th. Contact Alice Wright[masked] to make a reservation.

Learn more here: