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West Midlands Monthly Socials!

Photo of Mariana Vázquez
Hosted By
Mariana V.
West Midlands Monthly Socials!


Hi Tech for Good and Code Your Future Community,
As we are facing new challenges in the tech landscape, fostering a strong, connected community is more important than ever.
That's why we're excited to announce our monthly social events! These gatherings are a fantastic opportunity to:

  • Reconnect with old and new friends: Catch up with fellow volunteers, trainees, alumni, and supporters of the West Midlands community.
  • Hear from inspiring speakers: We'll be inviting special guests, including industry leaders, to share their insights and experiences. Please note that we will not always have a special guest; however, if you want to be our special guest or you want to bring someone, please do!!
  • Engage in meaningful conversations: Network with like-minded individuals who are passionate about empowering others.

Code Your Future: We're a community that meets every Saturday to provide free coding education and tech career support to individuals from underrepresented backgrounds, including refugees, displaced migrants, individuals experiencing poverty, and people with disabilities.
If you are an old, current or new member or just curious about how you can contribute, you're warmly welcome!

Feeling shy? No worries! Just send a message through this app, and we'll be happy to introduce you around.
See you at the next social!

The event will be during one of our Saturday sessions! so please arrive. at 12:00 to Aston University! For security reasons, we will just provide the exactly location, to the people who will attend the event!

Photo of Glasgow and Birmingham Tech for Good by Code Your Future group
Glasgow and Birmingham Tech for Good by Code Your Future
See more events

Every 3rd Saturday of the month

Aston University
Aston Street · Birmingham
Google map of the user's next upcoming event's location