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June Book Group

Photo of Laurele
Hosted By
June Book Group


Come along to our monthly book group, which takes place on the second Saturday of the month.

Please read the following:

A Short History of Tractors in Ukranian by Marina Lewycka
Chosen by Jamie

"As Romeo and Juliet found to their cost, marriage is never just about two people falling in love, it is about families."

Sisters Vera and Nadezhda must aside a lifetime of feuding to save their widowed, tractor-obsessed Ukrainian father from the voluptuous, wealth-obsessed Valentina. With her proclivity for green satin underwear and boil-in-the-bag cuisine, she outmanoeuvres the sisters at every turn.

But their campaign to oust Valentina unearths family secrets, uncovers fifty years of European and Ukrainian history, and sends them back to roots they'd much rather forget . . .

Join our WhatsApp group chat specifically for the book group here:

For those of us who have a library card, borrow audio- and eBooks for free here:

and here:

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8 spots left