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Azure Arc for SQL Servers

Photo of Michael Anderson
Hosted By
Michael A.


In this session, learn about what is Azure Arc Enabled SQL Server. How your SQL Server can connect to Azure Arc and how beneficial to have a central location to view your Servers. If you are using SQL Server 2022, after you register your server to Azure Arc, you can enable the Azure AD for the SQL Server. This session will show you a step by step process of how you can enable Azure AD to on-prem SQL Server but also show you how you can connect to Azure AD from the SQL Server on Virtual VM. By the end of this session, audience will have the knowledge to follow the steps, enable the Azure Arc in their environments and leverage this feature to fullest.

6:00-6:30 - Networking and speaker setup time
6:30-6:35 - Opening remarks & Introductions
6:35 - Speaker time!

Photo of GLASS: Greater Lansing Area for SQL Server group
GLASS: Greater Lansing Area for SQL Server
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