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What we’re about

Welcome to our group, where women come together to explore and honor the depths of their divine feminine essence. Our gatherings offer a rich tapestry of experiences designed to nourish the mind, body, and soul.

Dive into the mysteries of the divine feminine with our empowering workshops, where we delve into ancient wisdom and modern practices to reconnect with our inner goddess. From understanding the rhythms of our cycles to embracing the wisdom of our wombs, these sessions offer a deeper understanding of our bodies and spirits.

Immerse yourself in the transformative power of womb meditations, where we journey inward to awaken the sacred energy that resides within. Through guided visualizations and breathwork, we honor the womb as a source of intuition, creativity, and vitality.

Unleash your inner artist with our womb-centered creative activities and painting sessions. Tap into the wellspring of creativity that flows from the depths of your being, as we explore the symbolism and significance of the womb.

Join us in manifestation and releasing rituals, where we set intentions and release what no longer serves us under the glow of the full moon and new moon. These potent ceremonies harness the lunar energy to amplify our intentions and align with the natural rhythms of the universe.

Indulge in the heart-opening magic of ceremonial cacao as we come together in sacred circle. Sip on this ancient elixir as we journey into the depths of our souls, connecting with ourselves and each other in a space of love and authenticity.

Experience the power of sisterhood in our women's circles, where we hold space for one another to share, heal, and grow. Through deep listening and compassionate presence, we honor the wisdom of each woman's journey and celebrate the strength of our collective spirit.

Embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery with our retreats, where we escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life to reconnect with ourselves and nature. Through yoga, meditation, ritual, and reflection, we nourish our bodies, minds, and souls, returning home with renewed clarity and purpose.

Whether you're seeking spiritual nourishment, sisterhood, or simply a space to rest and recharge, our gatherings offer a sanctuary for women to embrace their authentic selves and shine brightly in the world. Join us on this journey of empowerment, healing, and transformation.

Grab your Womb Connection Guide to get started on this beautiful journey of spiraling into the center of your being:

Upcoming events (2)

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