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What we’re about

This is a group for Senior MEN (age group 55+) that identify as gay, bi, queer, 2 spirited or fluid. We meet FRIDAYS at 3.15pm till about 4.45pm in Vancouver's West End near Davie Street at Barclay Manor House. Come to talk about life, make good friends & learn new skills. Coffee and tea are served and tit's a free event.

A few House Rules:
🔸Arrive from 3pm, but before we start at 3h15pm.
🔸Say everything you want to share with respect, no profanities.
🔸Don't interrupt someone when they are sharing something sensitive.
🔸Ensure there is equal participation (the moderator will guide us).
🔸Note this is a safe space, we keep it confidential & constructive.

A moderator will guide the group meeting.

🟢 For SENIORS' RESOURCES, please click on the "photo" tab.

(Co-organizer on Meetup to the GROUP FACILITATOR : NEIL)

Upcoming events (4+)

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