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What we’re about

Hi there.

Are you aged 40 years or more ,

Where are your favourite places to gather in Auckland to watch a great movie, or meet before and after for some chat and socialising, swapping stories with like minded people just like you, who may have some free time during the week, or weekends to meet new friends and build on an established friendship .

Welcome to Auckland Movie & Single Social Group, getting you off the couch, and into a seat at some popular destinations in and around Auckland to watch a Movie, Meet for Pre- Drinks and Food, either before or after watching a new or existing movie currently screening in Auckland, and sometimes other places like Matakana, Art House Threatres and similar socialising venues for Anyone Aged 40 or More, either looking for love, or just a good person to be enthusiastic about being with..whatever that means for you

As we head into Winter and the Colder Months, let's encourage each other to come together to enjoy nights and day activities, watching Movie & Film Festivals and General Admission Screen Time together, socialising and perhaps finding a new friend or companion , or something more intimate...Or simply relax and let go into the mystery, as my favourite singer Van Morrison says..

As we explore together the Movie Places, around Auckland, during the week, or on a Sunday or a Sunday, and the best places for drinks and snacks, dinner and lunch etc.. Feel free to let us know what Movie, Film, or Nice Cafe, or Restaurant or something similar think others in this Group would enjoy.

From a personal perspective, I've been successfully organizing bush walking and other socialising activities for a number of years on Meet Up. I'm passionate about bringing people together for fun stuff together, and have a good knowledge of Auckland and throughout the nearby Towns and places, so please help or assist me with these Events over Winter, as no doubt there's plenty of lovely cool things to do, if you're keen on getting off the couch, or desk, or even out of your comfort zone..

Membership Is open to anyone Single , aged 40 or More . No Married Couples, Smokers. You must also have a Clear recognizable recent photo of your Yourself. This is important for our Socialising aspects, and building on established friendships which, may include Carpooling together..

Any Photographs not Suitable, will prevent you from ATTENDING our Events.

That's enough for now. Thanks for your interest and participation..

More details coming up soon on the Events..