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Toastmasters Party, September 7 ("a day that will live in infamy")

From: Richard M.
Sent on: Monday, September 2, 2013, 9:59 PM

Even if you've never dropped by, do come over and see what we look like, in the flesh so to speak.



End Of Summer

Welcome Back The Rain

Batman Party

Welcoming Toastmasters,

Philosophers, Quakers,

Secular (atheist) Humanists

Saturday September 7, 6:30 PM


Tea Party conservatives, Socialists, John Birch Society, Klan members,

Evangelical Christians, Unitarians and every other group I’ve visited..

although some of these folks find me pretty annoying

At Richard’s home 1629 NE 146th Ave.

Bring some food or drinks but there’ll be plenty. We’ll just chat about life and love and things base and noble.


From Portland, West side, NE neighborhoods near I-84, etc.

Get on I 84 (Banfield) heading East

Exit onto the Halsey Exit (after the 205 exit off I -84)

Go straight on Halsey through 5 traffic lights

(traffic lights at 100, 102, 111, 122 and 131)

Before traffic lights at 148th, (1.3 miles from first traffic light)

Turn left onto 146th Ave. (there is a red mailbox just before it)

Go to end of street (one short block and street ends)

My house is down the gravel driveway on the left (behind the green hedge).

Park in the driveway or in front of the house if you ever want to leave.

If you miss 146th, go to the next street on the left (still before traffic signal at 148th,) Enter it, then turn left at next left onto Weidler St.

My house is at the end of Weidler where it intersects 146th

If you missed that one as well, go to the intersection at 148th

Turn left and then left into subdivision, left again and right onto Weidler

I live at the end of Wiedler where it intersects with 146th.

If you missed that as well, go home and start over.

OR, just get on Killingsworth and go east to Sandy. Follow Sandy to 148th, turn right at 148th, go straight up to Halsey and I’m on the right at 146th and Weidler.

From Gresham, Fairview, etc. (Raynette and Professor Ted)

Go from anywhere to 148th & N.E. Halsey

Get on 146th directly across Halsey from Glendoveer Golf Course

Go to the end of 146th Ave. (1 block)
My house is on the left, behind a big green hedge, at the end of a long drive way.

(If you can’t find 146th, go to 148th, get on Weidler until it ends in my garage.
Park somewhere and walk up the gravel driveway to the white garage door. Turn left through the gate and up the sidewalk to the front door. If that doesn’t work of you,

go home and kill yourself.)

Google Map,+Portland,+Oregon&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=1600&bih=761&um=1&ie=UTF-8&ei=UuxPT_rWGuGYiAKAzry0Bg&sa=X&oi=mode_link&ct=mode&cd=3&ved=0CAoQ_AUoAg

Parking: Anywhere, my neighbors are very nice but don’t block any driveways.

Any effort at CLEANING UP a little would be appreciated !

If lost, call (503)[masked] - See you there!

Just in case you don’t recall exactly who I am, see pics below.

[address removed] and[masked]

(how I see myself) (how others see me)

Special thanks to Raynette for whatever she does

and to Ted for being Ted

And remember,

in the long run

are more important than

Richard, Cathy, Justin and of course Jack

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