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CHADD ADHD Support Group Meeting for May

From: Jim
Sent on: Monday, May 3, 2010, 11:39 AM

CHADD Adult AD/HD Support Group
Moderated by: Dr. Pearl Rosenstrauch/UCI

Specifically for ADULTS and YOUNG ADULTS with AD/HD, this group meets on the THIRD MONDAY of each month. Meetings are from 6:00pm ? 8:00pm and feature a speaker, documentary or subject matter on a particular topic related to ADULTS living with AD/HD. An open moderated support group discussion follows presentation.
Dr. Pearl Rosenstrauch is a Clinical Psychologist at the UCI-CDC Clinic for Attention, Behavior & Learning. She coordinates the MTA Project, facilitates a social skills group for adolescents, and conducts diagnostic assessments for clinical trials for ADULTS and children. In addition, Dr. Rosenstrauch is a Neuropsychology and Psychoeducational Fellow at the UCI-CDC Clinic for Attention, Learning and Behavior, who specializes in the assessments and treatment of attention, learning, emotional, and behavioral disorders in ADULTS and children. She brings over 15 years of experience in working with the ADHD population.

Join us Monday May 17th to hear Dr. Sabrina Schuck, an Educational and Reading Specialist, discuss the impact of reading challenges and working memory on the attainment of higher education. Dr Schuck is currently an Assistant Clinical Professor of Pediatrics at the UCI School of Medicine, and the Director of Outpatient Services and Education programs at the UCI CDC. She specializes in ADHD and Reading Disorders, and brings over 20 years of experience working with children and adults with problems of attention, learning and behavior.

For more meeting information contact [address removed] or call[masked]

AD/HD Adult Support Group Meeting

Monday, May 17th, 2010
6:00pm ? 8:00pm

UCI-CDC* Clinic & Research Office
Conference Room
19722 MacArthur Blvd, Irvine 92612

Meetings are FREE and open to ADULTS & YOUNG ADULTS.
You DO NOT have to be a CHADD member or UCI patient to attend.

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