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What we’re about

Who are we? Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurial Support Organizations

Why are we here? To assemble informally to streamline efforts and create a unified front to the entrepreneurship ecosystem

What do we hope to accomplish?

  • Foster collaboration among players in this space.
  • Create a collaborative working document that defines our ecosystem comprised of:
  • Internal document- how do we work together?
  • External document- how does the entrepreneur plug in to the ecosystem at any stage in the process?
  • Create, grow, and sustain entrepreneurship ventures in the greater Pensacola region
  • Identify gaps that may exist in our ecosystem, and create plans to fill them


  • Monthly meeting patterned after UCF’s ecosystem
  • Partner highlighted every month. Introductions & updates shared, opportunities shared

When?  Third Wednesday of Month at 8:15 am - 9:30 am CT

Where?  1st Floor Conference Room 103 CO:LAB Pensacola, and Zoom.

Upcoming events (4+)

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