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[ONLINE] Tarot Secrets To Enlighten This Summer’s Gemini Transits

Photo of Joy Vernon
Hosted By
Joy V.
[ONLINE] Tarot Secrets To Enlighten This Summer’s Gemini Transits


This talk is for the International Society for Astrological Research (ISAR) StarClub Webinars. Please visit their site to register.

During the spring and summer of 2024, Jupiter, Mars, and the Sun each move through the decan of Gemini that they rule, bringing to life the tarot’s Eight, Nine, and Ten of Swords. In this workshop, we’ll examine traditional interpretations of dignity by face, then gain an outside perspective by exploring the tarot imagery. The tarot greatly nuances the astrological decans, while our planetary tutors release the perceived limitations of these cards. Includes a tarot spread for personal reflection.

Event Fee: $14.99 (free for ISAR members -- remember to log in)

Recording available.

To sign up, please visit the registration page at ISAR Astrology.

Please RSVP here to show interest, but RSVPing here doesn't actually register you for the event.

Speaker Bio
Joy Vernon is an astrologer and tarot reader in Burien, Washington. With over thirty years’ experience teaching metaphysical subjects, Joy has a gift for introducing fundamentals in a fun and inviting way while guiding students to discover for themselves. Joy brings expertise and practiced familiarity to her specialty of esoteric tarot, which layers astrological and qabalistic symbolism onto the traditional images. Don’t miss an abundance of articles on her blog and tutorials on her YouTube channel. Learn more at

Photo of Greater Seattle Tarot Meetup group
Greater Seattle Tarot Meetup
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