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What we’re about

Welcome to GRID!

GRID St. Louis is a real estate community built by investors for investors. We are a group of real people doing real deals.

Our core mission is to connect to, learn from, and collaborate with like-minded people interested in building wealth and creating impact through real estate.

We welcome investors of all experience levels. We are life-long learners and believe everyone has value to share.


How it works

We meet once a month, 12 months a year, on the same day, week, and time of the month. Each month we cover a different investing topic in the Lifecycle of an Investor—ranging from wholesaling to rehabbing to becoming a bank through private lending.

Our meetings are not sales pitches. They are opportunities for us to dive deep into a real estate topic, connect with local experts in our marketplace, and build long-term relationships with other doers and deal-makers.

All of our events are 100% FREE.
Learn more about us at


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