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What we鈥檙e about

馃嵎We love wine and connecting with people, that is why we have created this event, with the purpose of connecting, learning and/or tasting a selection of wines from all over the country, in each event we do show new wines from different regions of the country or wineries selected, you will enjoy a new way of learning and enjoying wine, We also have dinner menus to choose from, check each event to see the menus, classic, vegetarian and vegan. At each event there are different dishes. check the flyers.
Also if you want to know more, look at our instagram or go to the website
You can also write to our WhatsApp to inquire about this event or if you want to make your own private event in Spanish and English.馃嵎
Contact: + 5491127369327

馃嵎Amamos el vino y conectar con gente , es por eso que hemos creado este evento, con el prop贸sito de conectarnos, aprender y/o degustar una selecci贸n de vinos de todo el pa铆s, en cada evento que hacemos ense帽amos nuevos vinos de diferentes regiones o bodegas seleccionadas, vas a disfrutar una nueva forma de aprender y disfrutar del vino, tambi茅n tenemos menus de cena a elecci贸n, chequea cada evento para ver los menus, cl谩sico, vegetariano y apto vegano, en cada evento hay distintos men煤s.
Si queres saber mas mira nuestro instagram o ingresa a la web
Tambi茅n podes escribir a nuestro whats app para consultar sobre este evento o si queres hacer tu propio evento privado. Eventos en espa帽ol e ingles 馃嵎
Contact: + 5491127369327