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What we’re about

Purpose? Meet new friends. Have fun. Get out of the dang house. Grab coffee? Hike? Walk? Fish? Kayak? Camp? Game? This is a perfect group for family men or guys who value families who just need a break from the grind and are struggling making friends late in life. In my case my wife and kids have been my focus and (my now) older teens mean they need less of my time... HALLEUJAH! At their (and my wife's) request, I am "getting a life"... and they have no idea how much that is music to my ears.

As we grow the focus of the group might change, but for now the purpose is wide open. I am open to ideas. I have two fishing kayaks and you'll fit right in one. I am not a drinker, but I can be your driver. Ready? Let's do it.